Presentation, reading of the Schuman Declaration, conversation with her peers and for the finale - "Ode to Joy"

The team of the Contemporary Pleven Media Foundation successfully started the activities under the project "Schuman's NEW Declaration - A Generational Conversation for a New Europe (acronym nEU dec)", with a live lesson in front of more than 100 students from 8th and 10th grades of NSI "Panayot Pipkov" - Pleven on April 21, 2021. It took place in the "Bozhko Shoikov" hall of the school and was filled with musical performances of talents from NSI - Pleven.
"New Declaration of Schumann" is the first major European project with the participation of the foundation, as a coordinator. It is funded by the European Citizens' Program of the European Commission, European Memory of the Past and is held in 4 EU member states in the period February 2021 - July 2022. Partners are Educommart, Athens, Greece, Asociacion de innovacion, formacion y empleo para el desarrollo sostenible (AIFED), Granada, Spain, and the Autokreacja Foundation, Warsaw, Poland.
give young Europeans a powerful tool for building the future. The tool is the memories and lessons of the past 70 years.
By holding talks with contemporaries of the Schuman Declaration of 1950, the accession of their countries to the EU and the changes in Central and Eastern Europe since 1990, young people will complement Rows of history textbooks with the experiences of "ordinary" people. , opera singer, director of the Pleven Philharmonic, honorary citizen of Pleven, Lubomir Dyakovski, who thanks to his profession since the age of 19 traveled throughout Europe. the little violinist Sofia Ivanova, a student of Elena Nikolova.

The Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of the Contemporary Pleven Media Foundation, Ivanka Vateva, greeted those present and presented the idea and objectives of the project. One of his tasks is for young people, and not only them, to get acquainted with the full text of the Schuman Declaration, which everyone has heard of, but few have read. A flashmob reading of the Declaration was made from the stage by three students majoring in "Acting for Drama Theater", with teacher Georgi Enchev: Boyana from 8B, Victoria from 11B and Plamen from 12B class at the host school.

A specially prepared presentation presented the history of attempts to unite in Europe from the Middle Ages to the 20th century, the birth of the idea of ​​a European Coal and Steel Community as a way to stop armaments and wars, the biography of Robert Schuman, the historical date May 9, 1950 and the reactions of the European countries through the eyes of the cartoonists.
To mark the star moment for Bulgaria - our accession to the EU on January 1, 2007, a popular composition by a Bulgarian author sounded: Staynov, performed by percussion ensemble "Accent", led by Simeon Serafimov.

After the young percussionists who conquered more than one stage in our country and in Europe, the European Lubomir Dyakovski stood before the audience. Mr. Dyakovsky shared with the young people memories of his first travels, impressions of both West and East Berlin, touching personal stories from divided Germany.

Като музикант той се е интересувал много от историята на европейския химн и освен че сподели малко известни факти за това, провокира учениците с въпроси за ролята на Караян и връзката между химна на ЕС и компактдисковете.

The dialogue with the audience continued with a quiz. The questions in it were based mainly on the presentation, but also required a demonstration of awareness and general culture: Who is the author of the text that Beethoven uses as an Ode to Joy? How many countries are there in the European Coal and Steel Community? How many are the stars of the European flag? What do they symbolize? How many official languages ​​are there in the EU? And do you know how many and what are the alphabets? Why is May 9 Europe Day? What is the single emergency number in the European Union? In what year did Bulgaria become a member of the European Union? Was our country accepted into the community on its own? Which Fathers of Europe can you name? What Nobel Prize has been awarded to the EU?

Some of the questions made it difficult for the audience, but for some there were a few raised hands.
The correct respondents received a notebook with the project logo as a prize.
by string orchestra 5-8 grade, with teacher Denitsa Zlateva. The young violinists, violists and cellists were joined by their teachers. And the whole audience joined the choral performance of the ode to the text translated by Asen Raztsvetnikov, printed on a flyer for the event.

Two volunteers of the Contemporary Pleven Media Foundation - Alexandra Koncharska and Snezhana Dimitrova - provided important assistance for the successful holding of the meeting.
of competitions in it and an international conference in Pleven, scheduled for May 9, 2022.
