The graduates of the Vocational School of Tourism were extremely prepared

Alumni of the Vocational School of Tourism (PGT) "Aleko Konstantinov" - Pleven have extensive experience in projects under the Erasmus + program, which visibly expands their horizons and nurtures their curiosity.
The high school athletes were ready not just to guess, but to tell in detail on the topics of the mysteries. The three competitions at the high school on March 21 were dizzying and with great interest. The teams of tenth graders were excellently prepared by teachers Vanya Dzhambazova and Eleonora Berova.
Participants showed their knowledge of history, geography, literature and music, navigated the map and successfully worked in a team. The first team solved the twelve puzzles in 19 minutes, and the second and third - in 21 minutes.
At the end of the competition, with an uplifted mood caused by the knowledge shown, everyone spontaneously sang "Ode to Joy".
Thanks for the hospitality and excellent working conditions are received by the director Malinka Marinova and the assistant director Yanko Yanchev.
